Less than 1 minute


If you want to see an overview of the structure of the code file you're working on, folding can be a helpful tool. Folding hides blocks of code such as functions or looping blocks in order to simplify what is on your screen.

You can fold blocks of code by clicking the arrows that appear when you hover your mouse cursor over the gutter. You can also fold and unfold from the keyboard with the Alt+Cmd+[Alt+Ctrl+[ and Alt+Cmd+]Alt+Ctrl+] keybindings.

Code folding example

To fold everything, use Alt+Cmd+Shift+[Alt+Ctrl+Shift+[ and to unfold everything use Alt+Cmd+Shift+]Alt+Ctrl+Shift+]. You can also fold at a specific indentation level with Cmd+KCtrl+K Cmd+0-9Ctrl+0-9 where the number is the indentation depth.

Finally, you can fold arbitrary sections of your code or text by making a selection and then typing Alt+Cmd+Ctrl+FAlt+Ctrl+F or choosing "Fold Selection" in the Command Palette.