Chapter 1 : Getting started

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This is being kept for archival purposes only from the original Atom documentation. As this may no longer be relevant to Pulsar, you use this at your own risk. Current Pulsar documentation for this section is found at the documentation home.

Getting Started

This chapter is about getting started with Atom.

Why Atom?

There are a lot of text editors out there; why should you spend your time learning about and using Atom?

Editors like Sublime and TextMate offer convenience but only limited extensibility. On the other end of the spectrum, Emacs and Vim offer extreme flexibility, but they aren't very approachable and can only be customized with special-purpose scripting languages.

We think we can do better. Our goal is a zero-compromise combination of hackability and usability: an editor that will be welcoming to an elementary school student on their first day learning to code, but also a tool they won't outgrow as they develop into seasoned hackers.

As we've used Atom to build Atom, what began as an experiment has gradually matured into a tool we can't live without. On the surface, Atom is the modern desktop text editor you've come to expect. Pop the hood, however, and you'll discover a system begging to be hacked on.

The Nucleus of Atom

The web is not without its faults, but two decades of development has forged it into an incredibly malleable and powerful platform. So when we set out to write a text editor that we ourselves would want to extend, web technology was the obvious choice. But first, we had to free it from its chains.

The Native Web

Web browsers are great for browsing web pages, but writing code is a specialized activity that warrants dedicated tools. More importantly, the browser severely restricts access to the local system for security reasons, and for us, a text editor that couldn't write files or run local subprocesses was a non-starter.

For this reason, we didn't build Atom as a traditional web application. Instead, Atom is a specialized variant of Chromium designed to be a text editor rather than a web browser. Every Atom window is essentially a locally-rendered web page.

All the APIs available to a typical Node.js application are also available to the code running in each window's JavaScript context. This hybrid provides a unique client-side development experience.

Since everything is local, you don't have to worry about asset pipelines, script concatenation, and asynchronous module definitions. If you want to load some code, just require it at the top of your file. Node's module system makes it easy to break the system down into lots of small, focused packages.

JavaScript, Meet C++

Interacting with native code is also really simple. For example, we wrote a wrapper around the Oniguruma regular expression engine for our TextMate grammar support. In a browser, that would have required adventures with NaCl or Esprima. Node integration made it easy.

In addition to the Node APIs, we also expose APIs for native dialogs, adding application and context menu items, manipulating the window dimensions, etc.

Web Tech: The Fun Parts

Another great benefit, that comes with writing code for Atom, is the guarantee that it's running on the newest version of Chromium. That means we can ignore issues like browser compatibility and polyfills. We can use all the web's shiny features of tomorrow, today.

For example, the layout of our workspace and panes is based on flexbox. It's an emerging standard and has gone through a lot of change since we started using it, but none of that mattered as long as it worked.

With the entire industry pushing web technology forward, we're confident that we're building Atom on fertile ground. Native UI technologies come and go, but the web is a standard that becomes more capable and ubiquitous with every passing year. We're excited to dig deeper into its toolbox.

An Open-Source Text Editor

We see Atom as a perfect complement to GitHub's primary mission of building better software by working together. Atom is a long-term investment, and GitHub will continue to support its development with a dedicated team going forward. But we also know that we can't achieve our vision for Atom alone. As Emacs and Vim have demonstrated over the past three decades, if you want to build a thriving, long-lasting community around a text editor, it has to be open source.

The entire Atom editor is free and open source and is available under the organization.

Installing Atom

To get started with Atom, we'll need to get it on your system. This section will go over installing Atom on your system, as well as the basics of how to build it from source.

Installing Atom should be fairly simple. Generally, you can go to and you should see a download button as shown here:

The button or buttons should be specific to your platform and the download package should be easily installable. However, let's go over them here in a bit of detail.

Updating Atom

You should consider updating Atom periodically for the latest improvements to the software. Additionally, When Atom receives hotfixes for security vulnerabilities you will want to update your version of Atom as soon as possible.

Portable Mode

Atom stores configuration and state in a .atom directory usually located in your home directory (%userprofile% on Windows). You can however run Atom in portable mode where both the app and the configuration are stored together such as on a removable storage device.

To setup Atom in portable mode download the zip/tar.gz package for your systemopen in new window and extract it to your removable storage.

Portable Notes
  • The .atom directory must be writeable
  • You can move an existing .atom directory to your portable device
  • Atom can also store its Electron user data in your .atom directory - just create a subdirectory called electronUserData inside .atom
  • Alternatively you can set the ATOM_HOME environment variable to point wherever you want (you can write a .sh or .cmd script to temporarily set it and launch it from that)
  • Portable mode installations will not automatically update

Building Atom from Source

The Hacking on Atom Core section of the flight manual covers instructions on how to clone and build the source code if you prefer that option.

Proxy and Firewall Settings

Behind a Firewall?

If you are behind a firewall and seeing SSL errors when installing packages you can disable strict SSL by running:

$ apm config set strict-ssl false
Using a Proxy?

If you are using a HTTP(S) proxy you can configure apm to use it by running:

$ apm config set https-proxy <em>YOUR_PROXY_ADDRESS</em>

You can run apm config get https-proxy to verify it has been set correctly.

Atom Basics

Now that Atom is installed on your system, let's fire it up, configure it and get acquainted with the editor.

When you launch Atom for the first time, you should get a screen that looks like this:

Atom's welcome screen

This is the Atom welcome screen and gives you a pretty good starting point for how to get started with the editor.


You can find definitions for all of the various terms that we use throughout the manual in our Glossary.

Command Palette

In that welcome screen, we are introduced to probably the most important command in Atom, the Command Palette. If you press Cmd+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+P while focused in an editor pane, the command palette will pop up.


Throughout the book, we will use shortcut keybindings like Cmd+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+P to demonstrate how to run a command. These are the default keybindings for the platform that we detected you running.

If you want to see a different platform than the one we detected, you may choose a different one by using the platform selector near the top of the page:

Platform Selector

If the Platform Selector is not present, then the current page doesn't have any platform-specific content.

If you have customized your Atom keymap, you can always see the keybinding you have mapped in the Command Palette or the Keybindings tab in the Settings View.

This search-driven menu can do just about any major task that is possible in Atom. Instead of clicking around all the application menus to look for something, you can press Cmd+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+P and search for the command.

Command Palette

Not only can you see and quickly search through thousands of possible commands, but you can also see if there is a keybinding associated with it. This is great because it means you can guess your way to doing interesting things while also learning the shortcut keystrokes for doing it.

For the rest of the book, we will try to be clear as to the text you can search for in the Command Palette in addition to the keybinding for different commands.

Settings and Preferences

Atom has a number of settings and preferences you can modify in the Settings View.

Settings View

This includes things like changing the theme, specifying how to handle wrapping, font settings, tab size, scroll speed and much more. You can also use this screen to install new packages and themes, which we'll cover in Atom Packages.

To open the Settings View, you can: ::: tabs Settings View