Appendix C : Shadow DOM

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This is being kept for archival purposes only from the original Atom documentation. As this may no longer be relevant to Pulsar, use this at your own risk. Current Pulsar documentation is found at documentation home.

Shadow DOM

In Atom 1.13 the Shadow DOM got removed from text editors. Find a guide how to migrate your theme or package in this appendix.

Removing Shadow DOM styles

In Atom 1.13 the Shadow DOM got removed from text editors. For more background on the reasoning, check out the Pull Requestopen in new window where it was removed. In this guide you will learn how to migrate your theme or package.


Here is a quick summary to see all the changes at a glance:

atom-text-editor::shadow {}- ::shadowatom-text-editor {}
.class /deep/ .class {}- /deep/.class .class {}
atom-text-editor, :host {}- :hostatom-text-editor {}
.comment {}+ .syntax--.syntax--comment {}

Below you'll find more detailed examples.

UI themes and packages


Remove the ::shadow pseudo-element selector from atom-text-editor.


atom-text-editor::shadow .cursor {
	border-color: hotpink;


atom-text-editor .cursor {
	border-color: hotpink;

Remove the /deep/ combinator selector. It didn't get used that often, mainly to customize the scrollbars.


.scrollbars-visible-always /deep/ ::-webkit-scrollbar {
	width: 8px;
	height: 8px;


.scrollbars-visible-always ::-webkit-scrollbar {
	width: 8px;
	height: 8px;

Syntax themes


Remove the :host pseudo-element selector. To scope any styles to the text editor, using atom-text-editor is already enough.


:host {
	.cursor {
		border-color: hotpink;


atom-text-editor {
	.cursor {
		border-color: hotpink;

Add a syntax-- prefix to all grammar selectors used by language packages. It looks a bit verbose, but it will protect all the grammar selectors from accidental style pollution.


.comment {
	color: @mono-3;
	font-style: italic; {
		color: @mono-3;


.syntax--comment {
	color: @mono-3;
	font-style: italic;

	.syntax--markup.syntax--link {
		color: @mono-3;

Note: Selectors like the .gutter, .indent-guide, .cursor among others, that are also part of Syntax themes, don't need a prefix. Only grammar selectors that get used by language packages. For example .syntax--keyword, .syntax--keyword.syntax--operator.syntax--js.

Context-Targeted Style Sheets

Atom also allowed you to target a specific shadow DOM context with an entire style sheet by adding .atom-text-editor to the file name. This is now not necessary anymore and can be removed.





I followed the guide, but now my styling is broken!

By replacing atom-text-editor::shadow with atom-text-editor.editor, specificity might have changed. This can cause the side effect that some of your properties won't be strong enough. To fix that, you can increase specificity on your selector. A simple way is to just repeat your class (in the example below it's .my-class):


atom-text-editor::shadow .my-class {
	color: hotpink;


atom-text-editor {
	color: hotpink;

When should I migrate my theme/package?

  • If you already want to test the migration on master or Beta channel, make sure to change your package.json file to "engines": { "atom": ">=1.13.0 <2.0.0" }. This will prevent Atom from updating your theme or package before the user also updates Atom to version 1.13.
  • Or you can wait until Atom 1.13 reaches Stable. Check blog.atom.ioopen in new window to see if 1.13 already has been released. Don't worry if you're a bit late, Atom will transform the deprecated selectors automatically to avoid breaking any themes or packages. But users will start to see a deprecation warning in deprecation-copopen in new window.