2k Stars!

DaeraxaJune 10, 2023
  • news
  • github
  • stars
Less than 1 minute

We just hit 2000 stars on GitHub!

This is just a quick blog post to say thank you to everyone in our wonderful community who have allowed us to get this far. I know it is "just" a number but 2000 stars shows us just how many people believe in our project.

It is hard to believe this project is almost nearing a year old. The pulsar-edit/pulsaropen in new window repository was created on the 12th of July 2022 and in that time we have already done so much and we look forward to doing so much more.

Here is a chart generated on star-history.comopen in new window showing our stars over time.


So again, a huge thank you to everyone, particularly our wonderful community and our generous donors who make this project possible.